The project partners must hold transnational project meetings during the research project and present the results at the end of the project at various events.
The transnational project meetings (TPM) are held in the countries and locations of the various project partners.
Our fourth and last transnational project meeting as part of the DITMEP project took place on March 30th and 31st, 2023 in Hamburg at our project partner RSC. A month before the end of the project, all outstanding issues could be discussed here. Above all, this included how and in what way the results of our project will be made accessible to the public. Furthermore, the results of the first pilot tests were discussed and the responsible project partners explained how the feedback was integrated into the online training course and the app.
On the second day, the open points that still had to be completed by the end of the project were discussed. This includes above all administrative things such as project budget analysis, management and reporting. We ended the meeting with one of the most important points for European funded projects, the dissemination and exploitation of the results.
Our third transnational project meeting as part of the DITMEP project took place on September 13th and 14th in Lisbon at our project partner ISQ.
After talking about the general status of the project at the beginning of our meeting, we quickly went into detail afterwards. Our training course developed as part of the project consists of two blocks. The first block deals with general risks and how to avoid them in the workplace. We have agreed that European law should first be looked at before the respective national regulations of the partner countries are considered. In the second block, specific risks of composite production are considered. These are risks associated with the workplace and surfaces, with the use of tool, with machinery and with the use of products. There is also a unit on personal protective equipment and on workplace signalization. We then talked about the implementation of the individual units in our newly developed augmented reality tool to guarantee innovative blended learning methods in risk prevention training. Last point of the day were the guidelines for implementation of the blended learning in risk prevention courses and the use cases for testing the new risk prevention digital training module. We had intensive discussions that day which we finished off with a mutual dinner in a restaurant next to the sea.
On the second day we talked about the general issues of the project like project budget analysis, management and reporting. We ended the meeting with one of the most important points for European funding project, promotion, dissemination and exploitation of the results.
All in all, we had a very constructive meeting and are confident about the last six months of our project.
At this point we would like to thank our partner ISQ again for the great organization of our meeting.
Our second TPM took place on November 23rd and 24th, 2021 in Vigo, Spain. Despite the continuing corona pandemic, all project partners were able to take part in the meeting. The meeting took place at our project partner CETMAR.
At the beginning of our meeting, the current status of our project was discussed at the administrative level. Above all, this includes the overarching timeline and the associated work packages and activities. Then we talked about WP3, in which an online e-learning space with digital blended-learning modules on risk prevention, adaptable to each country specific regulation, should be defined. The syllabus that had been drawn up up to that point were discussed among the project partners so that they can now be finalized. In WP4 tools for innovative blended learning methods in risk prevention training will be developed for the individual modules of the syllabus. USC was able to present the first developments and discuss them among the project partners.
In the afternoon we visited the Aixola Center, which offers courses in composite manufacturing. That means that Aixola is a potential user of our develops digital tools.
At the beginning of the second day of our meeting, we talked about the tasks still to be carried out in our project. This includes designing of the use cases for testing the new risk prevention digital trainings modules and the guidelines for implementation of the blended learning in risk prevention courses. Our meeting ended with the tasks financial part and dissemination.
Overall, all project partners found our meeting very productive, so we are sure that all partners now have the same understanding of the project goals and the associated tasks.
At this point we would like to thank our partner CETMAR again for the great organization of our meeting.
Our first TPM could not take place in Germany due to the corona pandemic. We had to hold the KickOff meeting online, which of course made the start of the project correspondingly difficult.
After all project partners had introduced themselves briefly, SGS presented the Erasmus + program in general and the project structure of our DITMEP project in particular. In addition, the other overarching tasks that all project partners have to perform during the project were presented. This includes project management, the financial part and promotion, dissemination and exploitation tasks. Finally, the individual Intellectual Outputs with the associated tasks of the project partners were discussed.
We hope that the next meeting can take place in attendance again.
The events aim to publish and disseminate the project results to a broad public. The events take place in the project partner countries.
On April 21, 2023, the final conference took place at our project coordinator RSC in Husum. We were able to welcome more than 50 participants. After a short welcome by the managing director Franz-Josef Claes of Renewable Skills & Consultant GmbH, the project and its results were presented. In addition, Nils Ifsen from SkyWind GmbH from the area of rotor blade production for wind turbines and Erk Andresen from the area of safety training for wind turbines reported on their experiences from the pilot tests and also outlined the interest and benefits for their respective areas. The conference participants actively participated in the subsequent discussion and evaluation of our project, as the development results aroused great interest. At the end of the conference, the participants had the opportunity to visit a wind farm under construction and thus get to know an area for which the augmented reality app in particular, but also the training material, can be adapted.
On April 14, 2023, a multiplier event took place in the science park in Kiel, Germany, which RSC hosted. A total of 32 participants from various areas of industry, trade and public institutions were welcomed. After the DITMEP project in general and the Moodle platform in particular were presented, the participants were also able to try out the AR app under guidance. There was then a detailed discussion on how individual teaching content as well as the AR app can be adapted for the individual areas of the participants.
The event was manly organized by CETMAR but in collaboration with our partners from the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC).
The chosen place for carry out the event was “A Aixola”, the training center of CETMAR located in the Port of Marín, Pontevedra, Galicia, Spain. Once in the event, it began with a presentation by Lucía Fraga Lago, the coordinator of the training area at CETMAR Foundation, where she presented the DITMEP project and its materials, including PRL didactic units in the composites sector, the Moodle, the activities.
After her intervention, Manuel Lama Penin explained the students how the app was developed and how to download it and use it using a Power Point presentation. Overall, the event provided an opportunity for vocational students to learn about innovative approaches in the risk prevention sector. And offered a new perspective to the attending teacher by incorporating digital tools and new methodologies, such as gamification.
The “Blended learning for risk prevention courses in manufacturing sectors. National workshop” – E2 in Portugal – took place at ISQ headquarters on the 6th of March 2023, in a face-to-face modality. ISQ reached 32 attendees in total.
In the majority, the attendees were representatives from companies in the manufacturing sector, students of ISQ Academy’s courses, entrepreneurs, and internal ISQ Academy clients. In general, technical staff from companies, managers, entrepreneurs and consultants who wish to know a new method of teaching and learning occupational health and safety.
The intervention also gave space for a lot of discussion, and positive comments from the attendees about the methodology, modules and presentation of the results.
Following the agenda not only the main aspects of the project were talked about and discussed but also some of the modules were analyzed and the Moodle was shown.